a blog about a 20 year old living a 6 year old life
Alright Orange County girls... we all like to work out or at least some of us like to (i am pretty sure the others just like talking about it), we need to talk. i go to the gym to work out which involves sweat *gasp* and maybe even some heavy breathing. CRAZY idea right?! well i am sick and tired of going with all these cute little things that have no muscle who are at the gym taking all the 5 lb weights and doing NOTHING! if you are here to meet guys ... go stand in the parking lot! if you are here to get attention ... move out of my way! if you are here to show off... go join the big gross guys grunting in front of the mirror! And i know some of you are going to say just worry about your own workout and ignore those girls... but they are EVERYWHERE!!! 

Another thing, i love to run on the treadmills! its nice not to pay attention to what is actually going on, like worrying about crossing streets or getting eaten by mountain lions, like you have to do when you run on the streets. Also, no one honks at you!! Ya i know i am running thanks driver. Ya i know your there, thanks again. And congrats your horn works and you made me pee a little! Anyways, when i run on the treadmill, i dont understand why i have to pick a "workout", let me just run. i cant decide what to eat for breakfast, let alone chose which way i want to run, let me just go. So normally i just pick one and then slow it down or speed it depending on how i feel. Which brings me to my next point, when i run next to you dont look at my screen. run your own "workout". if i speed up, i DO NOT want to here you click your speed up to mine. I dont want to race so back off! so for the last time, dont look at my screen!!!

Back to the guys by the mirror who grunt! OK, do your thing really, good for you for working out that hard. BUT when you are grunting so loud that i can hear you across the room over all the other people and machines, you're trying to hard. Like we all know your there, you are HUGE! But we also know you are there because 9 times out of 10 you guys are the ones who smell the worse. ALSO, you guys sweat more than the rest of the gym combined.Like you should see a doctor. if you are dripping sweat, like making pools on the ground, you should lift outside or at your home. You are making the gym humididty go up! We live in so cal no one likes humidity! 

One more rant and then ill stop i swear!! ok, so i lift and i workout. always have and always will BUT i am still pretty small so NO i can not lift your weight that you "forgot" to re rack! Like seriously, people who lift a normal amount of weight always re rack but the meatheads who use all the 45 lb plates ALWAYS "forget" to re rack! WTF!! i just wanted to get a quick set in before i left but oh wait what was suppose to be a 10 minute thing turned into a 10 minute clean up after some douche, then me being too tired to do the actually set!! so please re rack so i dont have to look pathetic removing all the weight! i am small and get tired really fast!! 

SO GIRLS I HAVE A RULE OF THUMB!! 1. if you get ready before you go to the gym and dont just throw workout clothes on then DONT GO! 2.if you have to look in the mirror before you go to the gym DONT GO 3. if you look cute at the gym i am going to laugh at you 4. and if you dont come out looking like you ran through hell on with an elephant on your back YOUR DOING IT WRONG!

8/15/2013 05:38:44 pm

The blog isn't about my grammar Jenn. This is me just spewing my thoughts online. It's not a book. I am not publishing this.


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    An orange county 20 year old girl attempting to share her life. A junior at University of the Pacific. Daughter, Sister, Swimmer, Coach and Dreamer.


    August 2013



For the Love of Pink and Sparkles